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A Betting Bride Page 5
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Page 5
Her back ached unbearably from crouching down for such a long period of time, but Trudy's order was promising to be a large one. It consisted of at least half a dozen dresses and what Trudy had called a pre wedding trousseau of nightwear and bed linens. It was definitely nice to be a rich banker's daughter, Serena thought wistfully as she went back to measuring out the short train that would complement the peacock blue material. Serena promised herself that one day soon she would never have to wear ugly brown material again.
"I also want a green dress this time. Light green, to match the mayor's eyes," Trudy informed her. Tossing her perfectly pale coiffed head, she complained, "You need to hurry; I've made plans to go for a ride with David Harris, in his new buggy."
"I am trying to hurry, Trudy."
One of Trudy's dainty hands reached down and patted Serena's head in the manner one would pet a faithful hound, "I know that you bid on David, but don't worry I've no designs on picking him. I've bigger plans in mind."
"Well, you're going to have a lopsided hem if you keep moving around like that," Serena snappishly replied as she began tugging the errant material back into place once again.
Trudy, who was currently sifting through fabrics on the table, took offense to Serena's tone and bumped her well- bustled hip into Serena who was kneeling at her feet trying to gather the material length. The sneaky move sent Serena stumbling backward onto her bottom just in time for the bell to chime above the door.
"Oh dear, Serena, are you hurt?" immediately outwardly contrite, Trudy knelt by her side, a look of faux concern affixed prettily on her face.
"I cannot believe how clumsy you are these days... oh, please you must be more careful. I worry about you dear," Trudy purred. Her gaze shot over the prone, fuming, Serena to land upon the patron who had just entered the shop. Trudy's eyelashes batted so rapidly that Serena was sure the woman could launch a sailing vessel from the air current they caused.
"Hey there, let me give you a hand," an amused voice offered, causing Serena to bite back a furious retort.
Serena knew that smooth baritone from anywhere. She groaned aloud. The last thing Serena needed was for Alec Wentworth to walk into her shop and see her kneeling at the foot of the statuesque blonde, let alone have him watch her sprawl inelegantly out onto her derriere.
"I am fine," waving away the hand that appeared in front of her face, Serena gathered her fallen pins and rose unaided to her feet. She turned fully to acknowledge the mayor who was now assisting the beautiful Trudy to hers.
"Hello, Mayor Wentworth," Serena greeted him formally.
Serena had dreaded this moment for the past few days, facing Alec for the first time after the night that he had left her standing in the rain. The entire humiliating scene replayed over in her mind, and she wished that her mother had been able to come with her into the shop today. Serena would have left her mama to deal with Alec while she hid herself in the back stockroom like the coward she really was.
She was certainly not ready to face him. Her body still tingled from the feel of his large hands on her. Damn his black soul for awakening those feelings she had been trying for the last few days to bury.
"Why, Mayor Wentworth! What a gallant man you are, coming to the aid of such a clumsy girl," Trudy gushed. "I'm sure Serena was just embarrassed by her ungainliness and did not mean to spurn your gentlemanly attempt to aid her."
Once again Trudy's lashes fluttered and her voice purred, making Serena nauseous.
"Miss Bixby," Alec inclined his head politely in greeting.
"I hope I'm not being too bold by saying this, but I'm so looking forward to next Friday evening," Trudy's blonde ringlets shimmered in a shaft of sunlight that shone through the storefront window as she smiled coquettishly up at him.
Serena wanted to snatch Trudy Bixby by her pale curls and toss her bodily out of the shop, but unfortunately, manners dictated that she just stand by and idly watch the pair flirt with each other. It was nearing the noon hour and nearly time to close the shop for her midday meal break; Serena silently wished that they would just leave. She had a lot of things to get done before she could rush home to grab a quick bite to eat with her parents.
"As am I," Alec politely replied, but his gaze shot to Serena's when he asked, "I was hoping to have a moment of your time Serena, when you're done fitting Miss Bixby that is."
"I'm nearly finished, but I do not think there is anything that we need to say that cannot be discussed in front of Miss Bixby," Serena murmured, casting her gray eyes to the floor.
She was hoping to ward off any unpleasantness. Serena knew although Alec and she'd had some very public spats in the past, there was no way he would admit to any impropriety between the two of them and force himself into a wedding with her. That fact alone made her want to kick him. Hard.
"Just pretend I'm not here," Trudy waved a regal hand signaling them to continue on with their conversation around her as she once again turned back to the fabrics she had been pawing earlier. Serena was not fooled; Trudy would have one ear on their conversation at all times.
"I am on my way to the Lucky M Ranch to see the O'Malley's and check on Lily personally. I thought you might want to accompany me," Alec offered.
"Check on Lily? What is the matter with her, is she sick?" Serena asked alarmed for the little girl.
"You haven't heard about her kidnapping?" Alec asked stunned.
"Kidnapped!" Serena gasped.
"Oh, you must get out of this shop more! It is all anyone is talking about in town!" Trudy exclaimed at Serena's surprise.
So much for pretending she was not there, Serena thought irritably. Turning her attention back on Alec, Serena asked him, "What has happened? Is Lily all right?"
The bell above the door chimed announcing a new arrival and interrupting whatever Alec was about to explain as David Harris walked into the shop.
"Hello ladies," inclining his head in greeting to both Serena and Trudy, "you both look lovely today."
"Humph," Alec snorted.
David curtly greeted Alec. "Wentworth."
"Harris," Alec sounded as if he had gargled with vinegar, and Serena had to smother a smile. She knew all too well about the animosity that the two men shared.
"Sorry David, I'm running a tad late for our drive. Miss Sinclair has been a bit of a fumble fingers today, I'm afraid," Trudy twittered behind one smooth gloved hand as Serena blushed furiously.
"It is not a problem Miss Trudy. I've heard it said, that beauty cannot be rushed," gifting the ladies both with a handsome smile, David turned and asked Serena, "how is your Pa Miss Serena? I had heard he has been sickly, nothing serious I hope."
"He has a bit of a chest complaint, but I will tell him that you asked about him," Serena smiled shyly at David in return.
"You do that," David leaned in close to her, and Serena could detect a hint of the sandalwood scent that he wore.
"How much longer is this going to take?" Trudy broke in impatiently, one dainty booted foot tapping a rhythm onto the hard wood planks that made up the shop's flooring.
"I believe we are finished here. Let's get you out of this dress, so you can go and enjoy your ride." Serena waved the girl toward the back where she could help her change back into the beautiful walking dress she had worn earlier into the store. The quicker she helped Trudy change, the quicker she could be rid of the woman.
Alec paced about the room, trying to ignore the man he'd had the misfortune to be left standing with. Long minutes ticked by as Alec wondered just how long it was supposed to take a woman to change her clothes. He had no idea. With as much practice as he'd had undressing a woman, he had never tried to put clothes back on one of them before. He hoped they would hurry so that he could confront Serena about his suspicions on what had occurred the night he had showed up at her door. He had plans to do that on the long drive out to the Lucky M ranch if he could get her to agree to go along with him.
"I noticed that Trudy bid on your ledger," David spok
e out in the now silent room. When Alec did not respond to his attempt at conversation, David walked around where Alec stood to stare down at an old, faded pattern book that lay on a table that was filled with scraps of material. "Serena bid on mine," David informed Alec as he carelessly flipped through the brittle pages.
"Leave Serena alone, or I promise you that you will regret it." Alec took a threatening step toward the younger man. He had held his tongue long enough; there was no way the bastard was going to get his hands on her. He knew too much about the slick bastard to let him ever touch one hair on Serena's head.
"I don't think it is any of your concern who Serena Sinclair chooses to spend her time with, now is it?"
"Time is coming Harris, when we are going to go toe to toe. Make one wrong step and it could be today," Alec growled, "don't forget, I know the real you behind the charming serpent exterior that you wear."
"Are you ever going to forget about what happened that night in Rattlesnake Canyon? Jesus! That was over five years ago, Wentworth," David smirked which only further infuriated Alec. "Besides, you cannot judge what you do not understand," David brushed back the blonde curls at his temples carelessly.
"Like I said, you even think about..."
"I'm ready!" Trudy happily called as she glided back into the room followed by a sedate Serena. The presence of the ladies stopped Alec from his intentions of punching the obnoxious man in his smug face.
"I've the most brilliant idea," David began with a clap of his hands. "Why don't you come with us Serena? It would be my honor to escort the two most beautiful women in town around in my buggy."
"Her?" Trudy squawked flabbergasted, "but... but..."
"I would not want to impose..." Serena began to decline David's generous offer when Alec interrupted her.
"She is coming with me to the Lucky M, to visit the O'Malley's. I guess you will have to find someone else to ride along with the two of you," Alec crossed his arms over his chest and leaned one hip against the wall he was standing near. The crisp cut of his suit emphasizing his muscular form.
"Alec is right, I really should go with him," Serena sighed. "I've been remiss in my friendship, and Melody may need a helping hand."
"We have no particular destination in mind; a trip out to the Lucky M Ranch would be an agreeable outing," David implored, "you must come with us...I've brought a picnic basket with enough food to feed an army, and I would love to pay my respects to the O'Malley's."
"Well..." Serena hesitated, shooting Alec a wary look.
"It's settled! You will come with Trudy and me," David clapped his hands once again in satisfaction and grinned at Serena.
"If Serena is going, then I will also... Harris, your buggy is big enough to hold the four of us isn't it?" Alec interjected.
"Of course it is. I would only buy a double seater," David replied, his smile quickly turned into a frown.
"Oh goodie, a group outing," Trudy's droll comment was not lost on Serena. She herself was not too happy with the arrangements.
"I am so sorry that we all descended upon you unannounced like a plague," Serena apologized to her friend for the way their small group had converged on the Lucky M ranch. "I know this is probably a bad time, with everything that has happened, but I had to come and see for myself that you were all okay."
It had been worth having been crammed into the back seat of David Harris's buggy, and forced to be plastered up against Alec the entire ride out to the Lucky M, just to see her friend Melody. Even the sour looks that Trudy kept turning around and shooting her throughout the entire ride because Alec had chosen to sit in the back with Serena instead of asking Trudy to sit next to him, could not ruin the loveliness of the day.
They had stopped half way to the ranch and quickly picnicked on the basket of food David had thoughtfully packed. Cold chicken, crusty bread and thick wedges of cheese along with dried apple slices filled them before they once again headed off. David had been attentive to both ladies while Alec sat off to the side glowering as if he had been forced to go along with them.
"Lily is safe and sound. That is all that matters right now. I had not yet had a chance to thank Alec for his heroism in catching the monster that took her," Melody O'Malley clutched at Serena's supportive hand. "I'm glad that you came today. Although, I would have preferred you had left Miss Bixby where you found her," Melody smiled through her tears at Serena's burst of laughter.
"Sorry about that. She is as hard as a tick to shake," Serena patted Mel's hand gently.
Together they sat in the shade of an old oak tree that was near where the O'Malley's barn once stood. In its place was a charcoal colored husk of what was left. The scorched ground was a frightening testament to the fire that had recently raged there. Both Alec and David had gone in search of Gabriel to inquire about his plans to rebuild the structure. Trudy Bixby had felt the need to trail after the men affording Serena some much needed time alone with her good friend.
"It was devastating to think that we would never see her again," Melody sniffed into a dainty kerchief that she clutched into one fisted hand.
In the distance the little girl they were currently discussing knelt quietly between Melody's two young brothers --in- law as they played a game of marbles. Her little blonde head rested upon the shoulder of the youngest of the boys. "This is the first time Lily has left the house since it happened. It took Michael ages just to coax her out of her room, and you know how much she adores that boy," Melody confided.
"I wish I would have known about the kidnapping, but with Papa feeling a bit under the weather, there have not been visitors to the house lately. I would have come to sit with you while you waited for word from the posse." Serena comforted her friend, unable to believe that all of the excitement that occurred in the past week had gone unnoticed by her.
Serena felt like a terrible friend. She sat all wrapped up in her own concerns while her friend had suffered such a fright.
"I appreciate that Serena, but she is home safe now. That pig Dobbins is dead, and Gabriel and I could not be happier at this moment."
Glowing, Melody leaned in and whispered the other bit of news she had discovered in the past month to her good friend.
"Oh Melody, That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you," Serena crushed her friend into a warm embrace. "A baby... I wager that Gabriel is over the moon with pride."
Melody and her husband Gabriel had married earlier that spring, when she had arrived in town as his mail order bride. After a rough start and a few misunderstandings, the newlyweds were now head over heels in love. They were already expecting a baby. Those O'Malley men obviously worked fast. Serena was truly happy for her. A little bit jealous as well, but she blocked those feelings and concentrated on being thrilled for Melody O'Malley.
"Yes, he is already working on a cradle, and I'm not even due until February," Melody laughed. "He acts as if I'm fragile. He now follows me around and won't let me pick up a single thing."
Serena could understand his feelings. Serena herself was not a tall woman. In fact, she was on the short side, and even she had nearly three inches on the tiny sprite of a woman who had been sitting across from her. Serena wanted to wrap her friend in cotton swaddling and force her to sit still until her baby was born.
Melody's golden hair and big green eyes always reminded Serena of a painting she'd once seen of an angel. The pale peach day dress Melody wore complimented her radiant features making her appear even more celestial. Melody's temperament although, was not so angelic when riled and Serena had seen her pretty riled up in the last few months. That was why they became such fast friends. Serena could almost swear that Melody was the sister that she never had.
"So, how are things between you and Alec going? I noticed that he was glued to your side earlier," Melody smirked at her. "Did you sign his ledger at the auction?"
"That is the last thing in the world I would have done," Serena confided, "Actually, I bid on David."
"David? Are you sure that
he is the man you want?"
"We can't all have what we want Melody," Serena smiled at her friend sadly.
"But you..." A crash sounded in the distance, followed by a muffled curse, cut off whatever Melody had been planning on saying in reply.
Serena watched as a bit of burnt timber that was holding up what was left of the barn's siding fell to the ground. Shorty Brown, one of the Lucky M's ranch hands hopped up and down in excitement and waved his arms to caution the children from nearing the area. As young men often do, Michael and Mathew O'Malley came closer to investigate. Little Lily close behind them peeked out from Michael's back with wide eyes at the destruction.
"Oh dear, can you please excuse me for a moment? I'd better make sure the children do not get too close. I will get us some lemonade while I'm up," the little woman quickly walked off in the direction of the children. Serena could hear her motherly scolding from where she sat, and smiled. Melody would make a wonderful mother.
A few minutes passed as Serena basked in the warm afternoon sunshine. "Well now, if it isna' Miss Serena!" shuffling slowly toward her, Fergus O'Malley the patriarch of the family greeted Serena warmly.
The little man was a bit of a rascal. With his shock of white hair and twinkling blue eyes, you would never guess the man had a touch of scallywag in him. Fergus or 'Pops,' as everyone in the town called him was a favorite of Serena's. His round belly and bulbous nose was quite charming on the elderly gentleman.
"Pops!" Serena rose from her seat, and approached the darling man to give him his customary kiss on his weathered cheek. The elderly flirt was the sweetest of men.
"How is me' darlin' doing this fine afternoon?"
Pops had a delightful Irish brogue that brought a smile to all that met him. "I hear tell that you signed on a couple of bachelor ledgers lassie. I thought you agreed to run away and marry me?" Sadly shaking his head, he tried to appear downcast, but the twinkle in Pops' blue eyes gave the rascal away.
"I would in a heartbeat if I didn't think the ladies in town would fight me for you," Serena gently took Fergus by his arm and escorted him to the patch of earth that the ladies had spread a quilt to sit upon. Together they sat in silence for a moment before Fergus broke the stillness.